Externa länkar
Nedan finns några intressanta länkar inom området både regionalt och internationellt.
SSiO:s LoRa-nät
Projektet SSiO står för Societal development through Secure IoT and Open Data och arbetar för att skapa ett stads- och regiontäckande “maker space” som möjliggör for både privatpersoner och företag att ansluta IoT-enheter till plattformen, kommunicera och lagra data för bearbetning och utvecklandet av tjänster. SSiO-projektet har byggt upp ett LoRa-nät i Skellefteå, som snart även har täckning i Lycksele.
The European 5G Observatory
As 5G is gearing up for market deployment, the European 5G Observatory provides updates on all of the latest market developments, including actions being undertaken by the private and public sectors, in the field of 5G. The 5G observatory also delivers an analysis of the strategic implications of the 5G Action Plan and other public policy objectives. The Observatory focuses on 5G developments in Europe, along with major international developments (USA, Japan, China, South Korea) that could impact the European market.
Fed4FIRE+ is a project under the European Union’s Programme Horizon 2020, offering the largest federation worldwide of Next Generation Internet testbeds, which provide open, accessible and reliable facilities supporting a wide variety of different research and innovation communities and initiatives in Europe, including the 5G PPP projects and initiatives.
NetWorld2020 is the European Technology Platform for communications networks and services. Communications networks enable interaction between users of various types of equipment, either mobile or fixed. They are the foundation of the Internet. The NetWorld2020 European Technology Platform gathers players of the communications networks sector: industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and leading academic institutions.